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Version: 24.1

Collection Page

Purpose: Streamline access to a large list of items and enable their editing.


A Collection Page allows you to visualize a List of items. By default, it is rendered as a vertically scrollable table. You can choose which properties from the linked Data Source blueprint will be displayed on this overview page.


  1. Title and Icon

  2. Property

  3. Footer

Page Properties



Will be displayed in the navigation and the page header.

Page Reference

This optional property lets you define unique short code that is human readable and helps to refer to that page without specifying its actual name. This is helpful especially in multilingual environments because

  • It helps your Support-Team to quickly navigate users.
  • It can be picked up by the product manual and documentation.
Example reference in main navigation
Example reference in the page title


This icon will be displayed in the main navigation, the page header, and inside an embedded navigation of a Page Group.


Display this page in navigation

Every page is automatically included in the main navigation. If you do not want this page to be reachable from within the main navigation, uncheck this option. The page will remain accessible and can be opened as an overlay or navigated to directly.

Specific Properties

Data Source


Choose the List to be displayed on the Collection Page.

Detail View


Select whether the Detail View should be displayed in the center of the screen or on the right hand side.


Select how large the Detail View should be. Choose between Full, Medium and Small.


Add filters controls to the top bar of the page.



Choose which properties of the list you actually would like to show.

Child Elements


The Detail slot determines the page that should be displayed when an item has been selected.


Allows you to add action buttons to the footer, which will always be visible at the bottom of the page. Use this feature for significant actions that can be triggered on this page. It's perfect for the most important actions you can execute on a page.

Bear in mind that the footer does take up a bit of vertical screen space, something to think about if you're creating HMIs mostly for smaller screen sizes.
