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Version: 24.1

Value Bar


A Value Bar simplifies the interpretation of numerical values by displaying the current value, its range, and highlighting good, alarming, or critical areas within the range.




The current value that should be displayed by the element, usually this will be bound to a Data Variable.


The desired or target value for this parameter which may differ from the actual measured value of the variable. In this example the current value of the Setpoint is 75 while the actual value is still at 65.849.

Display Labels

Minimum and maximum

Display labels on top of the bar for the minimum and maximum of the variable linked to the Value property.


Display labels on top of the bar for all ranges
of the variable linked to the Value property.


Display a label on top of the bar for the current value of the Setpoint.

Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different List of Dynamic Property Types – as long as the the type returns true or false you’re good to go.