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Version: 24.1

Import Data From Your PLC

In the previous step you've learned to Setup a Connection to Your PLC. In this next step, you will get the PLC 's data into your project so that you can display and edit it in your HMI.

  1. Open to the Data View

…and locate the Data Source Explorer:

  1. Find the variable or directory you would like to use in your project
  1. Drag the variable into the HMI Data Explorer

By using this method, you'll set up a new HMI variable in your project and automatically connect it to your PLC's variable.

Tip: Once defined and linked, you can also rename the variable in your project. However, we recommend keeping the variable names as similar as possible in both contexts.

Mission accomplished!

Excellent work! You have successfully imported PLC data and can now start using it.