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Version: 24.1

Setup a Connection to Your PLC

HELIO can connect to different Data Source Types. For HMIs, the PLC Connection is the most important, as it allows you to connect to your PLC using standardized protocols. In this guide, we're gonna mainly focus on OPC UA, because it's pretty popular and widely accepted.

  1. Open the Data View

… and locate the Data Source Explorer:

  1. Add new connection
  • Locate the Connections folder and open either the Add menu or the context menu of the item.
  • Select Add Connection, and then choose a protocol that your PLC is compatible with.

Tip: OPC UA Connection is the most widespread of the options.

See PLC Connection for more information about the different types.

  1. Specify connection details
  • Choose a Name. This will be used by HELIO internally to differentiate between multiple connections.
  • Specify the URL of your OPC UA endpoint. A valid URL should contain the protocol, hostname, as well as the port.
  1. Test the connection

Before creating an actual connection to the URL, make sure to validate that HELIO can connect to your PLC by clicking the Test button.

  1. Create the connection

If your test was successful, click the Create Connection button.

Auto Connect

Once a connection is established, HELIO will add it permanently to the HELIO runtime. The runtime will automatically attempt to connect to this connection during startup, and will try to reconnect it if the connection is lost.

Mission accomplished!

Nice Job! You got yourself connected.