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Version: 24.1

HMI Users View

IDE & HMI Users – What’s the difference?

Before we start, it is important to understand the difference between IDE Users and HMI Users in HELIO. Let's have a look at their differences:

IDE UsersHMI Users


You and your team will using their IDE Users to authenticate and sign into the HELIO IDE.

Once your HMI is deployed to the actual machine, the operators in the factory will sign in as HMI Users.


While you are developing & engineering the HMI.

Once your HMI is deployed to the actual machine and running inside the factory.


Use the IDE User Manager to define and configure IDE Users.

Use the HMI Users View of the Project Editor to define and configure Initial HMI Users & Roles for your project.


IDE Users are only used for signing into the IDE. They can NOT be used to sign into an HMI.

HMI users are only used for signing into an HMI. They can NOT be used to sign into the HELIO IDE.


Use the HMI Users View to configure the initial HMI Users and Roles for your project. Roles allow you to control and limit access to specific pages or page sections within your HMI.

»Initial« HMI Users!

This view defines Initial Users and Roles for your HMI. They will be available after the deployment of a project to a HELIO Runtime.

However, once this database has been initialized these Initial Users are no longer in control of the Project Editor. For example administrators might delete or edit HMI Users. Any changes made in the runtime database will not be reflected in the Initial Users list.
