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Version: 24.1

Collection Widget


"Use the Collection Widget to display collections, such as recipes or active tools, directly inside your Dashboard. Just like on the Collection Page, you can add a Detail view to this widget, allowing operators to expand the items."


A Collection Widget displaying four properties.

UX Tips & Tricks


Display all the properties of the collection items within the widget.


Limit the displayed properties to a maximum of 3-4 parameters. The remaining properties can be explored in the Detail view.

Especially on a Dashboard Page, every pixel is valuable.

Element Properties



Provides context and information to operators, guiding them and helping them understand the value of this particular element. A good label instills confidence in operators when making adjustments.


This icon will be displayed next to the element's label on pages that support it, like the Dashboard Page. An Element can make use of the icon to...
  • provide more meaning
  • and improve recognition.
Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different List of Dynamic Property Types – as long as the the type returns true or false you’re good to go.

Specific Properties

Data Source


The current List that should be displayed on the Collection Widget, this will be bound to a Data Variable.

Detail View

Select whether the Detail View should be displayed in the center of the screen or on the right hand side.


Select how large the Detail View should be. Choose between Full, Medium and Small.