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Version: 24.1

Define Limits For Numerical Input

Numerical Input is crucial for each machine. Operators need to be able to use steppers but also the keyboard to input numerical data manually. In both cases defining limits allows HELIO to provide guardrails for operators.

  1. Option: Using the Data View

Navigate to the Data View and follow these steps:

  1. Define a numeric variable in the HMI Data Explorer.

  2. Set a Minimum for this variable to a reasonable value.

  3. Also set a Maximum.

  1. Option: Using the QuickEdit button inside the Content View

Navigate to the Content View and follow these steps:

  1. Setup a Parameter Page including a Magic Input

  2. Link the Value property the variable you created in the previous step.

  3. Click the Quick Edit button.

You'll see the same variable properties as before and can change them right from within the Content View. Use the Confirm button of the Edit Variable dialog to apply the changes to the preview.

Note: Changes won’t be persisted to your project until you hit the Save button.

  1. Test the limits

Switch to Test mode and play around with the input to find out what HELIO does to prevent input outside of the value range: