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Version: 24.1

Language Information


Lets you access and display information about the active language.

Info Types

Info TypeExamplesDescription

Language short name

EN, ZH, ES, FR, DE,…

Uppercase two-letter language code (ISO-639 Set 1)

Language locale

en-US, en-GB, zh-CH, es-ES, fr-FR, de-DE,…

The locale of language which consists of the two-letter language code (ISO-639 Set 1) followed by a dash and the two letter country code (ISO-3166)

Language short name and locale

EN (en-US), EN (en-GB), ZH (zh-CH), ES (es-ES), FR (fr-FR), DE (de-DE),…

Combination of the previous two

Language name

English, 漢語, Español, Français, Deutsch,…

The display name of this language
