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Version: 24.1

Elements, Inputs & Outputs


»Elements are the basic building blocks for your HMI, kind of like Lego blocks for your interface.«

Pretty much anything you can add to Pages & Overlays is an Element. Think Dashboard Widget, Button, or a Gauge - yup, they're all elements. Each element has properties you can tweak and adjust to get it just right for your needs.


»Inputs are Elements that allow your operators to manipulate, edit, or enter data, thereby changing the state of your PLC.«

A Numeric Stepper is a wonderful example of an Input. It lets operators increase and decrease a value or just type in a whole new one.

HELIO also provides the Magic Input. It's magic because it adapts to whatever type of variable you're working with, showing you the UI that fits best with your data.

If you link an integer variable to it, the Magic Input becomes a Numeric Stepper. Got a boolean? It'll turn into a Switch. Quite useful, isn't it?


»An Output is the exact opposite of an Input. Outputs will display data in your HMI in different ways without the ability to edit the data.«

Some examples for Outputs are Gauge, Pie Chart, and Radial Bars. We realized how much time can be saved by using our Magic Input, so we decided to add a Magic Output as well! It can transform into different variants based on the type of the linked data.