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Version: 25.1 (stable)

Trigger Messages Using Dynamic Messages

In a previous step, we learned how to trigger messages by watching numeric variables or setting the bits of a variable. In more advanced scenarios these basic ways of triggering messages can be too limited.

For example:

  • You have a huge amount of possible Message Types
  • You want the PLC to have control over message metadata like Title, Description, etc.
  • You want to add additional metadata to your messages from your PLC

All those situations are perfect use cases for using the Dynamic Message triggers. Let's find out how they actually work.

1. What is a Dynamic Message Object?

First, let's clarify what Dynamic Message Objects actually are. Each Dynamic Message is a PLC data structure that can trigger messages and needs to adhere to the following rules:

A Dynamic Message Object

  • is represented by a data directory
  • contains at least one String variable named Code
  • signals HELIO to display a message, if the Code variable is set to a string that represents the Message Code of the message that shall be displayed
  • signals HELIO to remove the message, if the Code variable is set to an empty string again
  • can optionally include additional variables that can be added to the message metadata and sent to the HMI

2. Create the Most Basic Dynamic Message Object

  1. Locate the Examples/Concrete/Messaging/DynamicMessages Variables

Locate the Dynamic Message objects in the Data Source Explorer.

You should spot them in this directory:

  1. Import the Variables

Let's import the variables and method into the project so that we can use it in our HMI.

  • First of all import the whole DynamicMessages folder as it contains our dynamic objects.
  • We're also going to use the two methods AcknowledgeMessageByCode and SimulateMessage. Make sure you import those, too.

Why Do We Need those methods?

The SimulateMessage method is only needed for simulation purposes; it tells our PLC to fill one of our dynamic objects, so we can simulate a message appearing on our PLC.

The second method, AcknowledgeMessageByCode, is also required when you deploy your HMI to your customers. It's how HELIO tells your PLC that operators have acknowledged a message. This is important because your PLC might need to react to these acknowledgements.

  1. Set Restrictions

In order to be able to call those two methods we need to make sure both of them can be executed.

3. Setup Your Triggers

Now that we've got a possible source, we need to define an actual Message Type that will get triggered and displayed.

  1. Define Your First Trigger

Switch to the Message Triggers View view, click the Add Type action and choose Dynamic Message as a trigger type.

  1. Configure the Trigger

The main difference from the triggers we've defined before is that we won't hard code a particular Message Code for each trigger. Instead, we'll set the Source property to the first message directory that we imported in the previous steps.

Next we're going to set Code Field to Code so HELIO will actually look into the directory and grab the Message Code from the Code variable.

  1. Add Additional Triggers

Repeat this procedure for every message object by duplicating the message trigger and simply adjusting the Source property:

4. Create a Page to Trigger Messages

The excitement is building because we're all set to start sending messages to our HMI. All we need to do is create a small page to simulate the whole thing. Let's get started!

  1. Add a Parameter Page

First things first, we need to create a page. To keep it simple, we're just going to create a basic Parameter Page.

So switch to the Content View add a Parameter Page.

  1. Turn the Page Into a Component to Add Local State

In order to be able to send multiple Message Codes, we first have to turn the page into a Component (see HELIO Components to learn more about Components).

Define a Component Property named Message Code and add ERROR-1 and INFO-1 as possible values. This will allow us to send these values to the PLC.

  1. Add a Magic Input to Control the Message Code.`
  • Add a Magic Input to control the Message Code that shall get sent to the PLC and set its Value property to the Component Property that we've just defined.
  • Add a Button to call the SimulateMessage method.

5. Let's Simulate Messages

Let's Get Those Messages Fired Up!

  • Switch to PLC Mode to make sure you will be writing to the actual PLC
  • Switch to Test Mode so you can toggle the inputs.
  • Click on the button to simulate messages

Your HMI should behave something like this:

Mission accomplished!

You've used all sorts of Message Trigger and Trigger Sources now.

Ready to learn more about displaying active and archived messages within your HMI?