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Version: 24.1

Pages & Overlays

What are Pages?

In HELIO HMIs are structured using Pages, similar to webpages. HELIO comes with a variety of Page Types, with each page serving a specific purpose.

So, for instance, the Dashboard Page is a handy tool that lets operators peek at how the machine is doing, even from afar.

Or, the Parameter Page – it's like the control room for machine operators to tweak and change important machine parameters. It provides structure, guidance, and context, even when the list of parameters grows larger.

All of the pages are available in your HMI's navigation by default. However, you can restrict or disable a page's availability in the navigation. Operators are able to navigate between pages using HELIO's built-in Navigation.

What is an Overlay?

»An Overlay is a container that floats in front of the current page. It is usually used to accomplish a sub-task without loosing the context of the current page.«

Since every page in HELIO is responsive by default, you can open each page as an overlay using the Open Page as Overlay Action. Once the task is completed, the operator can close the overlay and return to the page that originated it.